❤️‍🔥SUPER Comprehensive FAQ❤️‍🔥

❤️‍🔥What do I receive as my comprehensive assessment?
You will be given an industry-leading, custom-written, well-sectioned report. It includes educational details about effective marketing for each section of your shop. You will receive extensive, experience-based evaluations of your current practices as well as recommendations on how you can improve any deficiencies. Each educational portion is 2500+ words and more than five pages. Assessments usually range between 5500-9500 words, depending on your shop's requirements. Crafty writes all comprehensive evaluations. Crafty Maven & Co. will neither give specific examples of the comprehensive assessment, nor detailed information in order to protect the proprietary nature of this assessment. Still, it is written to be the most comprehensive shop evaluation, and Crafty Maven & Co. maintains it to continue to be so.

❤️‍🔥What does “comprehensive” mean? Is it just a marketing word?
“Comprehensive” means it covers absolutely everything. Crafty starts at the top of your shop and covers every section down to the bottom, then looks at a few listings and picks one to three to assess for different sections. Crafty works diligently to deliver the information concisely and effectively with no intention of hurting feelings.

❤️‍🔥What is your estimated turnaround time for comprehensive assessments?
Comprehensive assessments are very time-consuming and in high demand, so the turnaround time varies depending on how many other assessments are ahead of you. Crafty will do her best to stay within a 6-8 week timeframe, but sometimes it's longer. We know this seems like forever, but Crafty doesn’t shortchange an assessment just to be able to do more, faster. They take as long as they take and she gives them that time!

❤️‍🔥Do you need my account password to assess my shop? I hear about scams and hacked accounts, but I want to keep my account protected.
Crafty Maven & Co. will never require your password or anything to do with the backside of your shop! This is for your protection as well as ours. During an assessment, Crafty will look at everything from the customer's perspective and use additional third-party tools to provide the information needed. The only exception is if you purchase a listing revamp, Crafty will request screenshots from the back of the listings you want revamped. You provide those screenshots by email and we still won’t need or want access to your account. If anyone says they need your password to gain access to your account for any reason, they should not be trusted!

❤️‍🔥Do you assess digital-only shops? Vintage? Print-on-Demand?
Yes. Yes. Yes, and more, yes. Crafty will evaluate how you sell your product rather than the product itself. If you are serious about selling your items, have created an Etsy shop, and hired Crafty to help you, she will do her best to identify deficiencies all while being realistic and aware of what she can do. For example, Crafty cannot make a micro-niche have more target customers, but she can help you market to the people that would be interested in your products.

❤️‍🔥If I have “adult” or “mature” content in my shop, will you still assess it?Maybe. Crafty Maven & Co. is very tolerant of many different lifestyles. Still, there are lines that Crafty Maven & Co. will not cross. If you have something in your shop that is intended to present or be something that advocates for immoral and illegal subjects, Crafty Maven & Co. will not take part in helping you market your products better. The deciding entity on this subject is Crafty Maven & Co. *Please note, we require that clients disclose if they have “adult” or “mature” products as Crafty has young children in her office space often and doesn’t want them seeing it.

❤️‍🔥Can I order an assessment even if my shop is new, has only a few listings, or if I have no sales?
Absolutely! Crafty just needs enough of your shop finished to know what your habits are in order to identify deficiencies. You can have a shop without sales or much history and Crafty can still assess your shop. Brand new shops, or shops with only a couple of listings can still be evaluated and give you an assessment that you can benefit from. 

❤️‍🔥How established does my shop need to be for an assessment?
Ideally, it must be established enough to feel you've done as much as possible. You should feel fully launched. Crafty has an extended turnaround time (approximately 4-6 weeks). Consider this when figuring out when to place your order. Ordering before you're ready gives you weeks to finish things without waiting longer. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide when you've reached the limits of your knowledge and experience. Are you getting the results you expected?

❤️‍🔥Can I order an assessment now but make changes while I wait for Crafty to do mine?
Absolutely! You can keep working on your shop even while Crafty is assessing it - this won’t make any difference to the assessment result. If Crafty notices some listings that are more effective than others, she will check the dates to see which one is newer and assess that one. If you've made apparent improvements, Crafty might comment on that!

❤️‍🔥Will an assessment help me fix my SEO?
An assessment doesn't help you fix anything. It enables you to identify the deficiencies you need to improve but doesn't fix them. You still need to do the work yourself. SEO is one of the fields covered by a comprehensive assessment.

❤️‍🔥Can I get an assessment if I'm not based in the USA?
Absolutely! Crafty Maven & Co. has a policy to comply with Etsy policies and appropriate laws. This means we will work with any country that is eligible to sell on Etsy. The Crafty Maven & Co. team only speaks English so any translated shops would be assessed in their English translation.

❤️‍🔥Are assessments for Etsy shops only, or can I apply the suggestions to my website, Amazon, eBay, etc.?
Crafty Maven & Co. is a marketing coach, so we can help you sell better wherever you are selling. 

❤️‍🔥I'm about to split my shop into two shops. Should I get an assessment before or after?
That depends on you. You can decide when you're ready for an assessment, if ever.

❤️‍🔥If I have more than one shop, does each assessment cost the same?
Like Crafty Maven & Co. teaches in our Facebook groups, selling in bulk is only beneficial if you can bulk batch your work. In this case, it is no less work for Crafty to do one than it is for her to do three. You will need to purchase an assessment for each shop you want assessed.

❤️‍🔥I ordered an assessment but it didn’t ask for my shop name. How do you know what my shop name is?
Crafty works on assessments in batches of 10. When she finishes one batch, she will send emails to the next batch. That's when you will provide your shop name and any information about anything else you want Crafty to keep in mind while doing your assessment.

❤️‍🔥Would an assessment make sense if I'm a large (or small) volume seller?What your volume was before an assessment will likely improve after an assessment if you make the recommended changes.

❤️‍🔥What makes your assessment better than one I found cheaper elsewhere?Everything Crafty put into it. If you want less than the most comprehensive assessment in the industry, by all means, many people are selling them.

❤️‍🔥I can’t afford a comprehensive assessment right now. What can Crafty do to help my shop while I save up to invest in a full shop assessment?Comprehensive assessments are only one of the private coaching services we provide, but they aren't the only service we offer. You may benefit from a single listing assessment. It is less comprehensive than a full assessment, but it will cover things like your listing photo quality and effectiveness, titles, tags, and description. Crafty Maven & Co. also offers tons of free content on our YouTube channel, and multiple Facebook groups under the Crafty Maven & Co. brand.

❤️‍🔥How fast will I see improvements in my shop after my assessment?
That depends entirely on how well you implement any recommended changes, as well as how accurate the SEO is that you have changed. Crafty does not make changes for you. If you don't do the work or if you don't do it well, you'll get results that reflect the work you put in. We don't make any promises that you'll see improvement at all. 

❤️‍🔥After my assessment, will you “review" my changes to ensure I'm on track and understand the information you gave me?
Yes, however this is a paid service in addition to the assessment. You can choose from a post-assessment review, a one-to-one coaching session, or another comprehensive assessment.

❤️‍🔥What is a post-assessment review?
This is an additional service that is available for purchase after you receive your comprehensive assessment. Crafty will take another look at your shop to see where you are, whether the changes you have done work for you, or if you still need to work on them. It covers the sections of your shop that can make or break a customer experience. You will receive a written report, delivered by email, that will cover things such as your photo quality, titles, tags, and descriptions. None of this will be researched, it will be looked at with “Crafty’s Eyes”. If you want Crafty Maven & Co. to research SEO for you, you will need to purchase a listing revamp.

❤️‍🔥Can I ask questions about my assessment after I receive it? 
Yes, we run a Facebook group called “FYRE - Fuel Your Radiance & Energy with Crafty Maven & Co.” for clients who have already received their comprehensive assessments back. You can ask all the questions you want in there. It's a space where you can freely discuss your assessments with other shop owners. We ask that you respect the propitiatory nature of the evaluations and not post complete copies and pastes or screenshots. You are welcome to discuss the content of recommendations to determine how to implement them in your shop best!

❤️‍🔥Are there any questions you won't answer in your public groups?
Yes, there are. Sometimes, there are huge concepts that need to be explained or on a more advanced subject we will cover in a class or in our paid groups. If this is the case, we will tell you how you can access that information.

❤️‍🔥What happens when you give out so many assessments and everyone starts making the recommendations and therefore improving their shop, will this increase my competition?
No. We are just a team of coaches helping a small portion of overall Etsy sellers learn to be more effective at what they do. There will always be people who never get assessments or have never heard of Crafty Maven & Co., and sell on Etsy to their best ability. There are enough customers for everyone to have a healthy share!

❤️‍🔥Can I get feedback on my shop photos or explain what I want to change in my shop? Can I get feedback on a proposed shop name change?
Yes. These are some of the services we provide. 

❤️‍🔥What is a listing REVAMP?
A listing REVAMP requires you to provide Crafty Maven & Co. with whatever historical data you have on your listings for Crafty to research and rewrite your titles, tags, and description (if you purchase that option). This requires a lot of time because Crafty has to become enough of an expert on your products to represent them well in your titles and tags. Remember, Crafty will never ask for your password to do any of these services. This is not the same as the "buy 1500 NICHE keywords" listings you see for sale on Fiverr or Etsy.

❤️‍🔥Do you sell keyword lists?
Nope, not now, and won't ever. They are ineffective. Crafty Maven & Co. does not recommend considering them as a source of SEO in any capacity. Crafty Maven & Co. recommends against trusting anyone who sells them. These sellers  know keyword lists will not help the person they are selling them to.

❤️‍🔥Do you offer payment plans or does the order have to be paid in full?
Crafty Maven & Co. offers every payment option or payment plan with our payment processor. If it is available through them, it is available to you. There is a third-party payment plan option. Crafty Maven & Co. only accepts orders that are paid in full.

❤️‍🔥Do you guarantee results? 
Nope. Crafty Maven & Co. doesn’t even hint at it. Crafty Maven & Co. provides coaching services. You must still do and maintain the work to see the desired results.

❤️‍🔥What makes Crafty's advice true and correct?
Research and extensive experience (read: Crafty struggled and learned so she can teach you how to not have to learn the hard way!)

❤️‍🔥Why should we follow Crafty Maven & Co. rather than others?
That's a choice you'll have to make for yourself. We know what we bring to the table and that it may be too much for some people. We are okay with that.

❤️‍🔥I've hired people before, and it's done nothing for my shop. How can I be sure you're as good as you seem?
Well, Crafty is everything Crafty seems to be! She is very active in Facebook groups. Her and the rest of the Crafty Maven & Co. team provide a ton of free content so you can be sure that when you pay for content, you're getting something worth paying for. Crafty doesn’t make unrealistic promises. She doesn’t believe in “hacks” or “get rich quick” schemes. Crafty is here to help you learn how to be better and more effective in managing your shop.

❤️‍🔥Many gurus charge for things that are valueless to make you buy more and more in hopes that you’ll eventually see value. Can we expect the same from Crafty Maven & Co.?
No. That will never be a thing that comes out of Crafty Maven & Co. It's never necessary to buy anything from Crafty Maven & Co. to participate in our Facebook groups or ask questions during YouTube Lives or any other programs we offer. If you buy a coaching package or assessment, you have no obligation to buy any other package if you don't want, or think, you need it. The Etsy SEO, Marketing & More Facebook group will always be free and available for people to ask questions.

❤️‍🔥If I order any Crafty Maven & Co. service/product are you required to accept it?
Crafty Maven & Co. reserves the right to refuse an order for any reason or none. While this has never happened, Crafty Maven & Co. does hold a list of reasons that would disqualify an order from being accepted and completed. It includes but is not limited to protecting intellectual property rights and unwillingness to be complicit in fraud, violating Etsy or Crafty Maven & Co. policies, or the laws. If someone is not in good standing with Crafty Maven & Co., we will not provide services to them. Crafty Maven & Co. will never discriminate against someone for any reason.

❤️‍🔥I have products that violate Etsy's policies. I need your help to avoid getting caught. 
No, thank you. We said what we said. We follow Etsy’s policies and you should too!

❤️‍🔥Why does Crafty always say, "I said what I said!"? 
Well, Crafty won’t speak on a subject she has not researched. Crafty has an eidetic memory, so it's with her forever once she’s been exposed to it. When she speaks on a subject, Crafty is quoting or paraphrasing proven sources. She not only does her homework, she provides receipts.

❤️‍🔥What is it you say about knowing what you don't know?
"You don't know what you don't know until you know what you didn't know." It means you can't fix an issue or a problem if you don't know it’s an issue or a problem. It's a symbolic wall many E-Commerce sellers run into because they think they are doing everything correctly until they realize all the things they did not know existed.

❤️‍🔥What's your return/cancellation policy? 
Our return and cancellation policies depend on the product. Details are available here https://craftymavenco.com/policies/refund-policy

❤️‍🔥What is your Etsy shop link?

❤️‍🔥What happens when Etsy makes changes to their SEO?
SEO is still SEO and will always need grooming as trends change, seasons change, and your product or target audience changes. As it changes, we change with it.

❤️‍🔥Why is it essential to have EVERYTHING in your shop filled out completely?
A completed shop projects a better customer experience and perception. Etsy views a completed shop as more legitimate, which influences ranking.

❤️‍🔥How important are those pesky videos on each listing?
They improve customer experience and allow customers to turn the product over in their figurative hands, much like in a brick and mortar shop. If you want to increase the chances of making a sale, this can be an important part.

❤️‍🔥What part of the world does Crafty live in?
Crafty Maven & Co. is based in a little town called Knik, Alaska, outside of Wasilla. The company time zone is Anchorage. The weather is either midnight sun or cold and snowy.

❤️‍🔥Do unicorns need to get their horns polished?
It isn't necessary to polish them, but they may need to be cleaned regularly. It depends on how many people annoy your unicorn and how messy that process gets. You can oil after cleaning. They enjoy it!

❤️‍🔥How often does my unicorn need a pedicure?
Every 4-6 weeks is preferred. They may need it more often in the winter when the cold, dry air makes their pedicures all a mess.

❤️‍🔥What's the significance of all the Sues in the Facebook group?
In our spare time, we run a home for wayward Sues. They just find their way to us. They love us!