Crafty Maven & Co
❤️🔥Efficiency Audit❤️🔥
❤️🔥Efficiency Audit❤️🔥
Do you have a few listings that are doing really well, but the rest of your products never seem to sell? Many shops only have a fraction of their sales carrying the weight of the entire business.
If you are wondering if you have listings you should REVAMP or discontinue, this is a great way to make that decision. In addition to evaluating the productivity of your whole shop, Crafty will also look at the ratio of underperforming listings and provide feedback on why those listings are underperforming. This will touch on your titles, tags, photos, and your shop's overall compliance with Etsy Best Practices, including overall customer experience.
Once you've ordered your audit, you will be directed to complete a brief questionnaire about your shop. Crafty will email you when it's time for your evaluation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
Amazing information as always.